Monday, March 30, 2015
Gracing Work
With All Due Speed
Many prevailed on Senator Harley Eps
to introduce the bill asking, as a Social
Good, for the Non-Working Class to
work an hour a week. It passed.
The particular task ordained was to
schedule the off-time of the Working
Class. Thus making such leisure richer
and more fulfilling.
Not arduous, since computer programs
existed to do just that.
So the new job consisted in pressing a
button or so.
But, some of the NWs came in contact with
workers, and requested a sort of hazard pay.
The flat fee for NWs was 500 an hour.
Virulently anti-union, of course, they formed
one, and their contract was to be larded
with clauses begatting clauses as to family
leave, holidays, sick time etc.
Their first demand was a doubling of the
flat fee. So, 1000 to work an hour a week.
Eps and colleagues had enough at that point,
and legislation cancelling the law sailed through.
And, farsighted on this rare occasion, putting
aside up to two hundred million for the expected
Labels: American Aristocrats, anti-labor, chutzpa, demands of labor, labor contract, lawsuit, social engineering, Union, work