Sunday, April 12, 2015


Only in America

The Dollar Store Detective
told Hasan Morrisey of the
City Police that the killer
used an electric toothbrush.

Sure enough, a check of the
more notorious flophouses
yielded Scutz Halp, and he,
and spinning brush, seized.

Soon, State Police started dropping
by, and DSD perused their files while
stocking shelves.

The real Jewel in the Crown was
the FBI, with agents helping him
unload a truck.

Dorine and Max, the owners, first
thought to fire him, but when Channel
Six 'Panic News and Worse Weather' came
along, they learned his publicity value.

Too, Dorine had a video camera and starting
filming, with Max as director.

They sold the store--no time!--but the genius
criminologist remained there to be a consultant
to D&M Productions as they signed Hillman
Dempsey, the former "Roger Brillands, Dance
Instructor Sleuth," to play him in a new series.

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