Friday, April 24, 2015


The Existence of the Chinese Palindrome

“Is there even such a a thing?” asks Marcy Chang of
Hong Kong TV, after A man, a plan, a canal--Panama!

Mr ‘Mystery’ replied by smiling. He proved more forthcoming
about the other mottos and proverbs lining his wall.

He translated the one in Spanish to English and to Chinese.
He who is bent on revenge should dig two graves.

“Are there any fun ones?”

“Not really. Some quite grim, but most inspirational in the
American style.”

Every day in every way I'm getting better and better!

Her audience liked that sort of thing the best, so she
pressed sweetly.

But Mr Mystery said that proverb very nearly ended
his life. He had destroyed a previous room because of
his inability to live up to it.

“That much passion! If you'll excuse my saying so, you
don't look...”

“There had been some drinking.”

“And is there now?”

“None! A day at a time.”

“Are you AA?”

“No, but Mr Mystery is.”

A fire in Kowloon, so Marcy had to wrap it up.

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