Thursday, November 26, 2015
The Comic
Dilsey put on some Franz Schubert.
“We used to call him Frank at the Point!” All Dave’s fatigued
jokes considered funny again, he had grown popular.
Now he exaggeratively saluted “Colonel Franz Schubert!”
Had to turn some invitations down: Health.
After Laurette died, his former wife came back to care
for him. In a paid capacity.
“It’s a pity I’ll expire when I just hit my groove!”
Franz hopped and skipped on the turntable.
“Isn’t everything?” Dilsey shook her head. “But it's nice you
still have LPs.” She chose The Beach Boys now.
Dave sang along with the line They keep their BOYfriends
warm at night!
“Weren’t YOU a California gal back when I met you, Dils?”
“Yeah, but was a territory then!”
“Whoa! I'm the funny one!”
“We both are.”
Labels: Beach Boys, California, California Girls, comedian, Health, marriage, Schubert, sickness, West Point