Thursday, September 28, 2017
The Man Who Put Everything
in Impeccable Order
has it all go bust
one Summer day.
It’s still and hot
and he grieves
in icy sweat.
Concludes, rightly, that
he’s a born Snicklefritz.
But, what can be done?
Letting go of the microscopic
as an initial try.
He does this, and his breathing
improves. Been holding his
breath in fits and starts
for many years.
Great progress, really!
a disaster to both organized
and scattered, she shreds
As a result, he Snicklefritzes
everything! She, endlessly
amused. He
has done the world a favor tak-
ing her! (Three men contemplated
suicide. A fourth stopped play-
ing with himself.)
A monument to him might
someday be erected...
or erased.
At uncertain time.
Irredeemable place.
Labels: chaos, female, female power, order, organization, screw-up, sex