Tuesday, November 27, 2018



Jerome’s usual question:
What’s so funny?

Indeed, what his office mates
laughed at was more often
cruel. Some asinine, pretentious
individual getting humiliated,
and the like.

He was better than that.

And even when the humor
was more cosmic, restrained

Such as when the drunken
pastry chef collapsed in
death, imprinting the delicate
batter with his face.

His family baked and ate same.

So what? Primitive Christians
all felt superior to.

Nothing funny here! Move on!

Said office mates eventually
tired of explaining why...anything--
labeled him a stick.

Fair enough, until Jennifer-Jo
caught in the wind one dark
Spring workday morning.

Demonstrating, thus, the modern
equivalent of bloomers.

She apologized, as Jerome did for
witnessing this weird fluorescence
in stranger light.

The image stayed with Jerome.
Intruded, really.

He lingered in the Break Room
one day, and they laughed about
other things.

Somehow discovering each to be
passionate and driven...at additional
impromptu meetings.

Oh well, skip ahead. Who couldn’t
guess the rest?

Neighboring state had looser
laws, so they eloped there of
a weekend.

The homespun wife of the  
Justice assembled a wedding
ceremony, her perpetually-
high and Millennial son as
Best Man.

His C over C hilarity ignored
then...but roared about in stories
for children, Trevor and Cynthia,

Trevor gushed that it was an old
Hollywood Romantic Comedy!

Cynthia: Same stale crap!

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8X as funny!
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