Sunday, May 15, 2022


Mean Man Marries

his pointed equal--stating

it mildly.

She, then, does worry

as he garners facts 

in a game played

to win! Only! Thus,

topping her--though some-

what methodically?

Not a bit of it!

She yells back

against his truly-

learned babble. He


understand her: his


Then, in bed, it’s

quick results

or do something else!

(Often involving her

Honda Scooter.)

His few friends pop round

thereupon, telling

him GROW UP!

Lately…worst yet…

occasions arise


he forgets snide.

Sarcasm’s driving

beat coddling

old love ballads

nobody believes.

Yet THEY do! This odd PAIR!

She shades 40 mph later:

Lower Commerce Bypass. He

grips her dearly! gold jersey

twists both their names mid flash-

ing silver dragons on his back.

He calls them Yeks, Nekkie.


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