Friday, June 30, 2006

How It Went & Goes

The boardroom overwhelmed with it's smell of old polished wood and its assembly of power.
But I had a report to give!

Facts are truth, and it's no business of mine what the CEO and Board decide afterwards.

So I embarked! Didn't look up from my script too much. When I did it was wall-to-wall frowns.
Well, nobody said that telling truth to power is easy.

CEO declared a break just when I got into evidence from our LA branch. And warnings of possible indictments.

Lattes and exquisite little pastries.

He started a chat. "You didn't mention Cincinnati Experiment. Such positive force there! And we wrapped
in the community and took a mob of kids to the Reds baseball game. Great on the books and great every
which way. I'm tremendously proud of it!"

"I'll get to it, Sir. There still remain other examples of--"

"It'll be the only focus of the rest of your presentation."

Had to be fast on my feet since there wasn't all that much there to fill the time scheduled.

Gratifying, though, to be so universally congratulated upon wrapping up.

And, all in all, I think I struck a balance overall.

Thursday, June 29, 2006



Administration See Rico Statute

Bush A naer-do-well who gains the support of criminals

Capitalism See Imperialism

Congress Iniquity with pockets

Conservative See Liberal

Constitution A joke book

Democrat Confused person who has nothing to flex but fear
itself. See also Coward. Or (slang) Suckass.

Democrat2 A Republican

Election See (Serially) Fixed by Party of Lincoln

Farce See Government

GOP “Greed Our Passion”

Idiot Neocon

Imperialism See Suicide or Iraq

Judge One who postures while following orders

Legislator One who by rubber-stamping The Executive
gets rich in public service

Liberal A Believer in personal freedom. Therefore,
unaffiliated with either party. See Conservative.

Minimum Wage Less than a pittance and yet potentially
destructive of a great nation

Patriot See Nazi

People See Screwed

Policy See Bribe

President Beelzebub in a suit. An effective role,since most
subjects remain scared shitless.

Press An onomatopoetic word: sound of a rectum
gobbling air repeatedly;also,anything easily
purchased or terrified

Religious Those who masturbate while attempting to prevent
others from doing so. See Republican

Republican Thief professing values

Republican2 Entity which peeks into your bedroom for principle
and pleasure

Republican3 Racist. See also Party of Lincoln

Senator A pirate who has taken a speech course;also see
Empty Suit or Career Criminal

Screwed See People

Soldier A pawn,living or dead

Television Self-congratulating entertainment for morons;
in the political sphere,stage for dancing farce

To Cheney Expressing an inability to be truthful;also To
Revive discredited scenarios

To Rove See To Goebbels

Wealthy Denoting a class which invests in the market
and in Congress.

War A game professed by the Executive Department
while washing its hands of consequence



Administration See Rico Statute

Bush A naer-do-well who gains the support of criminals

Capitalism See Imperialism

Congress Iniquity with pockets

Conservative See Liberal

Constitution A joke book

Democrat Confused person who has nothing to flex but fear
itself. See also Coward. Or (slang) Suckass.

Democrat2 A Republican

Election See (Serially) Fixed by Party of Lincoln

Farce See Government

GOP “Greed Our Passion”

Idiot Neocon

Imperialism See Suicide or Iraq

Judge One who postures while following orders

Legislator One who by rubber-stamping The Executive
gets rich in public service

Liberal A Believer in personal freedom. Therefore,
unaffiliated with either party. See Conservative.

Minimum Wage Less than a pittance and yet potentially
destructive of a great nation

Patriot See Nazi

People See Screwed

Policy See Bribe

President Beelzebub in a suit. An effective role,since most
subjects remain scared shitless.

Press An onomatopoetic word: sound of a rectum
gobbling air repeatedly;also,anything easily
purchased or terrified

Religious Those who masturbate while attempting to prevent
others from doing so. See Republican

Republican Thief professing values

Republican2 Entity which peeks into your bedroom for principle
and pleasure

Republican3 Racist. See also Party of Lincoln

Senator A pirate who has taken a speech course;also see
Empty Suit or Career Criminal

Screwed See People

Soldier A pawn,living or dead

Television Self-congratulating entertainment for morons;
in the political sphere,stage for dancing farce

To Cheney Expressing an inability to be truthful;also To
Revive discredited scenarios

To Rove See To Goebbels

Wealthy Denoting a class which invests in the market
and in Congress.

War A game professed by the Executive Department
while washing its hands of consequence

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Some Say Always

but until this last raft of
utter Republican fools

floated in on their usual
shit-tide of electoral fraud,

Goebbels-like lies &
throttling of blacks,(When
Dems get in we must grant

amnesty to officials &
programmers--get it all
on the permanent record)

I wasn’t convinced that
government’s my enemy.

The good news: They’re giv-
ing up on library records.

That dense book you may have
sort of read by a more or less
Socialist? Whew! The good news?

Can still desecrate the same flag
they wipe their ass with daily.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

On the Porch

-Hey I like it too, but does she hafta carry on like that? Unbelievable!

-How old is this...?"

-Thirty, forty, I don't know.

-I heard a lady could get in trouble doing it with a kid
like that.

-So could the bar serves two brats like us. Lots of people.
What the fuck's the difference? Oooops. Hi, Father Hendrickson.

-Yeah, hi, Faddah.

"I thought I heard your favorite word drifting from this porch.
Hey! CYO going to see the Giants Wednesday night. Parents
have to come up with three dollars for the bus."

-Yeah? I'll scrape mine off the floor of Curran's and see if
any's left. You get married yet?"

"I'll let you know. Show up anyway. Five-thirty. I can get some
money from altar society."

-You're a good guy for a priest.

"So I’ve heard. You know, I hate to tell you, but you guys are not
really tough. Sort of half-tough. Bye-dee-bye!"

-God bless you, Father!

-And, whatchalit? Save!...half-tough, hey?

-That's about right. No way we’re going into the Barkley Boys
neighborhood and get our ass beat off! They’re tougher.
Hands down. Like they’re Whole-Tough!

-Smart! Us.

-Yeah. There’s some hope. There's some hope. I don’t know what
the church or the women have to do with it but, there’s...

-Some people can eat anything they want. And anytime they
want, too!

Monday, June 26, 2006

International Diving Contest Now Being Held in Germany

AKA The World Cup, contestants grimace most in reacting to imagined pain.

Pretty much, only feet may be used by rule. This leaves the hands arms and elbows free for any dirty trick conceivable: white players being allowed to hold black ones, as an example, since the latter are unjustly rapid.

Still, the former are faked out of their shorts when opponents do get loose. Religious persons might ask God why whites were created to be so slow.

Generally, such a state of non-action persists on the pitch that drunks riot in the stands and elsewhere just to stir things up.

These are chauvinists and nationalists who can actually drink enough to change sides without knowing it.

Some in the United States watch grass grow, but this is an individual rather than a team sport.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Thoughtful Exchange

-I don't understand. Are you...comparing this GOP government
to Puerto Rico? I mean, that's weird!

-You misheard in the static from all the chicanery. STATUTE Rico.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

That da Vinci's Some Brand!

When can I buy the under-
pants? More profoundly,

women say you see! We’re
not skanks, Jerkoff Priests!

Folks you'd ease from
in the Penny's line,
lunatic orators, &

stirred theologians,
get pissed, but amaze
with knowledge

many wouldn't bother with.
Life flashes all

shaken foils, but
the center is dark.

Perhaps novel & film
might serve, but I think

about Freud returning
gift of Kafka's stories.

"Too complicated
for the human mind."

Friday, June 23, 2006







Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Pighead

-Administration's ratings in the toilet.

-They have fucked up everything!

-Do you think that's what the public perceives?

-No perceive! Reality. Fucked up everything!

-But isn't that just your opinion?

-No! Not opinion. Fact. They have--

-Uh huh. Care to cite some actual--

-No cite! No cite! Unnecessary.

-Nowhere to go with you!

-Clusterfuck. No, clusterfuck squared!

-Can you suggest anything to the administration? I mean to
start on–?

-Beano. Cut down the stink.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Market Will Be Happy

and nation thus,when you
work for nothing and con-
sent to beatings. Trade-

off,after a bit,flayings
lose intensity,even be-
coming just ritual. Too,

shit will become available
for you to eat. Extensively,

scientifically,doctored to
taste like the real thing.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Harrison Ford Movie

He’s Jack Mack Zack, CIA,
& wife is being held in

an artificial anus factory
run by Nazis. All blond &
mega nasty, the Nazis. His boss,

imposingly Afro ex-linebacker in
sport jacket which could envelop
three Arabs, can’t be told of her.

Ransom? Jack’s revealing names of
Washington’s shadow-elite. But

he schemes to recapture her, thus
not show government classifieds,
a Craig’s List of teabaggers.

Subplot involves despicable-est
Germans trying to plant their virtual

assholes in an alien group deficient
in that small regard. Then clone
them, the aliens, to rule the earth,

plus sections of LA & Queens. Breathless
plots interweave dazzlingly until Jack
destroys factory, Krauts, & participants
in a nearby little league game. (Laptop
atomic device, Microsoft Program). Every body

but wife’s, which locks him in an embrace
Stone Cold Steve Austin couldn’t sunder.

Wow! Complexity & romantic seizures dignify art,
like the original novel enshrining today’s arch-
etype, blundering self-righteous American prick.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

“Refuses to die”

I don’t believe that this committee has jurisdiction in any case. We’re preliminary,to decide whether a draft board is feasible at this time. However,we have received your statement and have no objection to placing it in our records.

Just as an aside,your objection to “older people playing with the lives of younger” is gross and hurtful. We don’t want anyone killed but this free nation is perpetually threatened!

All our lifetimes! And your assertion that the facts are never there to back up this threat is without merit. Clarity is not there often,of course,but that’s to be expected.

Fog of war and all that jazz.

Well,Madame Vice Chair has other duties,and I’m late for golf, but just let me add that this nation wasn’t built...

(no posts till 6/20)

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Heritage of Heart

And did the final Squaddie’s boot
(Let me sleep now) sever
the spinal chord?

(Lord God of Hosts be with us yet)
And did we Yanks enshroud in ice

a one we beat and scared
(Be with us yet)

to death?
How mine eyes

have seen the glory
of cumulus so brilliant

from my tropic strand!
(Such bursting floods
of white!) A surf-

er glides ahead of golden
wind, then folds him far
within the spirals

of the violet eye
he’s rendered dark.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Geology of Government

-How do you explain this level of corruption so fast?

-Well, when you're out of power, forces build up to an intolerable level.

-And when you finally take over...?


-Sounds sexual.

-That too. Anything for money.

-Well your leader is number one!--in worst president of all time category.

-Hey! Step back! Step back! Get, like, a grip!

-A time out required, is it? For you to marshal his defense?

-No, just a breathing space to consider how we’ve had guys couldn't find their ass with both hands.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Male Blood Heaps

and her secret
just revealed:

They met to work
things out. Dutch

"I’ve seen such

Monday, June 05, 2006

What Comes Around

Dem/ How can we get the rich paying more? As a start,to us.

Repub/ How can we give the rich more? They won't forget.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

New Anteroom

-We got ten Crays running 24-7. Before we break for the weekend, we always assign Heaven or Hell.


-That’s PR.

-Then I’ve been chosen by a random program?

-That’s the short of it. The shorter is it’s Hell for you.

-God! And nothing to do with how I lived? Extent of my sins? Can’t accept that! I must be allowed to present my case! Please! Seems to me I’m minor league, compared to some I’ve known.

-That could be true, but finding the genuine scum would take too large a program. So, we went random. Hey even the lowest pedophile murderer pours his buddy a coffee. God tends to exaggerate that latter behavior, so we had to take him out of the equation too.

-But it’s not fair!

-Naive there, naive here. Excuse me! Those with red hands line up under the Hell sign!..and that means you, I’m afraid.
Join your new friends.

-Is there a procedure for last-minute appeals? Must be!

-Hurry it up!--not as bad to go in around this time. They’re banking the fires for the evening.

-Do all of you know how we got here? It’s a chance thing and totally obscene!

-No more talking! We don’t want chaos! God has given all of you the belly pack now being distributed. But carry it in your hand.
Heat will melt the buckle. Also, better eat the Hershey Kisses. And put all paper in the trash cans! We don’t want it to start looking like hell.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

GOP Shit-Swim

-C'mon in! It stinks but
y’get used to it,can be-

come connoisseurs in
fact. And some matter
glistens like coins!

Like melting doubloons
at gorgeous sunset. Ah!

"But we're most of us
Democrats." -Hey! More
you stand there,more scabs
you'll hafta pick off.

A few dive in,bob brownly.

-Won't regret...not completely.
And at the end,a bridge
named for you that your boys
can bring their friends to.

Turds may float by your nose,
but a grateful nation will
someday paint you pure with-

in the growth called History.
And those of you even now turn-
ing your backs,you aesthetes,

could wait interminably for
the next,fragrant wave.

Friday, June 02, 2006


-I got poker
and congress-
men and CIA,

and all in
a nest of

-What’s not
to like?

-Can you do ten
thousand to buy in?

-Hey! Mark me
down,Baby! I’ll
bill thirty!

-There you go again!

-Yup,Looking For Wrong
In All the Love Places.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

"Reporter" On Reporters*

Shame, but they die
as softly,going off
like fairies while

the warrier remains
grounded,the agent
of duty and truth

ploughing down evil,a-
longside the occasional
woman and child. To

the consternation!
of those breaking
nails and teacups.

too too much!

*NEW YORK Karl Zinsmeister, the new chief domestic adviser to President Bush, while embedded as a reporter with the 82nd Airborne in Kuwait in 2003, declared that "many of the journalists observable in this war theater are bursting with knee-jerk suspicions and antagonisms for the warriors all around them. A significant number are whiny and appallingly soft." -E&P

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