Sunday, August 12, 2012
Tale of etc
The woman who didn't know
what time it was, and cared
precisely, consulted instruments
of the horological sort, but
they couldn't agree. Obsession
couldn't buy truth as she saw it.
Physicians summoned, one by
one. Finally came a genius who
transcended mere occupation,
bringing an atomic clock. "This
is more accurate than God,"
announced he. "What final good
is it to split hairs?" cried she,
"And then split the split
and so on." Old priest then
enters the learned melee.
"You can't be pleased by man
nor exactitude!" he thunders.
She answers that it’s no use
thundering when there's tea.
"The others are so cold,” she
informs, dealing
a Lorna Doone.
Labels: clock, faith, precision, science, time