Friday, December 27, 2013


The Revolution Where Quite a Few Attend

Gauging Aged Militancy

-When the Revolution comes I'll be too old.

-No excuse! You'll hafta choose!

-Okay, is there a word for the most extreme Left?

-Righties will say Communist.

-They won't know shit then either!

-Besides, even in a Revolution, one must
moderate his views. Sometimes hourly.

-Uh huh? And finally end up back with the rapacious righty mess we have now? FOR SALE!

-Money-Cronies arguing like hell to keep it 

even as we speak! Actually, because we speak.

-That's their patriotism!

-We'll always have such patriots, sending minimum
wagers to glorious deaths.

-Anything would be better.

-No, not anything.

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Could send em to Guantanamo. Cleaning crews needed.
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