Tuesday, February 24, 2015


2035, Divine Year

-However celestial the goal, it still
required some old-fashioned politics.
I won't bore Your Magnificence with
the grimy details.

And, of course, this is for you, and...
doesn't include the wife?

-Her? A God? I can see that you couldn't
stretch things THAT far. It's fine. She'll be
satisfied if it's just me.

-Okay, the Senate and House will be
called together in a week, compulsory!
And you be declared a God!

-I'm humbled.

-We have yet to work out holidays in your
honor and where the temple is to be built.

-I'd like a small one on The Mall, but a
much larger one back home. I'll live in
the later and receive sinners. In the
former, folks can go to my image and
pray to me for The Nation!

-Finished! Or as good AS! My only worry is that
it sets a precedent.

-One and done! I'd say.

-Well, the Democrats could come back in, and
eventually want to declare one of theirs a...

-The very idea is absurd on its face!

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