Wednesday, April 06, 2022
(is not me. He sees himself
as warring 'gainst hypocrisy. If you
invoke "Christian" he'll say
Oh yeah!--Folks who stuck
Jews in ovens?
You've been warned!"
-Yoh Murph! Church here
plans all-day Ukraine
Protest! Anything nasty to say
about that?
-Just mild surprise that they're
replacing biblical palaver featuring
basic or advanced lying with the
much-less-employed Action Faith!
-Be careful! You might have something
positive in there!
-Doubt it sincerely!
-Just remember that Scripture
will move even you!
As Faith moves mountains!
-Scripture can be tremendous stuff!
The Devil quotes it extensively.
-In fact he relies on a veritable
-Christian Hypocrisy!
-You're just angry is all. We professing Faith
are hardly perfect!
-But go on mouthing, as
long as there's a buck in it!
-Oh well, Auden says that we must love
our crooked neighbor
with our crooked heart!
-I'm waiting for so-called Christians
to acknowledge how bloody crooked theirs is!
Labels: Christian, faith, Faith and lies, hypocrisy, lies, protest, Protestant, religion, Ukrainian