Thursday, August 31, 2006


Really cottonmouthed word,
isn’t it? How difficult

to move around in there!
CSPAN caller asks how ‘bout
AMERICAN Fascism? Slightly
more euphony at least. Just

as irresponsible,no? At core,
Fascism is national government
by corporations. They merge,the 2,
thus becoming indistinguishable.

Now aren’t we far from that?
Excuse me! Didn’t quite hear you.

Speak up! Don’t be afraid.
Constitution backs us! Ah
but you don’t believe this?

Nobody believes anything anymore
in this most religious of nations.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Ministry

-I asked him “What would Jesus do?”

-His answer?

-Get laid!

-I can see you’re terribly disturbed,but would have you consider it possibly to be not
horrible sacrilige,but rather vulgar imperative,uh,directing YOU to...?

-Oh my God! His MOTHER?

-Sadly. How long has Roderick been...?

-Three years. Lucille?

-One long,hard year.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

5 & The Apprentice

-The other college kids are zealots. I want realists like you.
Now,show me newest picture of unworthy opponent!


-We’re done done done done done!

-Hmmm. It actually has Old Masters’ composition. Nice.

-I’m not worried about that. That dog’s death is worth thousand votes!

-Crying looks genuine...and big floppy Lab in his arms almost as big as he is!

-We're dying dying dying dying dying!

-Take a time out,and then–you done it before!–pull a rabbit out of the hat.

-Can’t can’t can’t can’t can’t!

-Oh, come on!

-Okay,then. On...edge of hyperventilating. Okay okay okay okay okay,
how many kids has our guy?

-You’re kidding,right?


Monday, August 28, 2006

What They See Around Them

Kids’ sites feature Colbert.
His shtick: poker-faced
depictions of inane Right,

their Patriotism miraculous-
ly compatible with Profit.
(Would Jesus,tipped,clean up

on hot defense stocks?)
Some other stereotyped
characters lie with-

in his repertoire. Most
especially pussy re-

courtiers like the nervous
Osric. Flitting so to please,

Hamlet mused he begged per-
mission of the Mama’s tit.

Why do youngsters like
such vile display? Easy.

Shows adults complete-
ly full of shit. But

a meat-ax! Brutal
to the 10% who aren’t.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Rocco travels from South Philadelphia

(to far Roxborough,meeting old St John Neumann HS buddy, Mickey Gee-Gee,manager of local A-1 Minimart,
at Dalessandro's. Counterman chimes in at end.)

-Rocco! Buddy! ‘sup?

-Nothin’. Except just hadda see the nun about little Rocco’s tuition. We made a schedule.

-One like the energy plan set up by the White House by the oldies but oilies,
Georgie and Dickie?

-Nah,that one’s fuckin unique. State of the Art. Fuck the middle-class guy till
his eyes smoke.

-What are friends for?

-Is Political Science over? I need orders! Why I stand here with a piece of paper
and a pen. And YOU I see too much of!

-Hey! I work across the street!

-Not you. The other dick-head!

-I come once a year!

-That’s hell of a problem!

-Get me a cheesesteak,if it’s not too much trouble working between wisecracks.

-I’ll speed it up–need some lead in your pencil.

-We all do. Same.

-Whatever happened to please?

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Christianity and Insanity

-JC was a little crazy. At least regarded as such by those with the heft.

-Look at any nice congregation...nobody looks the least bit
crazy there.

-No way. Nicely dressed,for one.

-But they’re Christians.

-Who said they weren’t? But genteel. Key.

-Oh,some aren’t.

-Yeah,and a lot go crazy from the genteel pressure.

-High price to pay.

-Not worth it either.

-Follow him,really do,you’ll go crazy?

-If you’re not already. He set the bar too high and most of us know it.

-When he comes back,tell him.

-If he does,genteels‘ll hand him a notarized letter saying vamoose.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Better than Sciavo

Not saying more until I firm it up just a little. But some state considered sterilizing a dwarf.
Seems he was fucking all the retardo wenches in the institution,so they wanted to avert pregnancies.

The other dwarfs,his relatives,found out about it and picketed. Dem governor went there and
they pissed on his shoes!

No! Not figure of speech. Actual. We’re in negotiations to buy that video.

It’ll just show stupid chaos? That’s the point! Democrats are anti-life,and when they get to rule
it’s stupid chaos. We’re party of life,party of business!

So...get ready to whip up the wackos. What? What if story doesn’t really bear up? Wackos don’t care.
Hey! We throw the dart and draw the bullseye around it.

Anyway,love that core and get loved back. Forget that at our peril.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Egg and Pepper Sandwich at Celebre’s with Rocco

-We got prisons everywhere and we’re beating the shit out of people. Torture.

-Price of freedom.

-Parents come to ask about sons we disappeared.

-At Home with the Brave,we say toughski-shitski.

-Something this elaborate hadda be there before. That’s the discouraging part: Democrats too.

-Let’s say this crop of chickenhawks have raise it to an art.

-Yeah but something in place before these insane pricks.

-Your point? Besides repetition?

-Got nowhere to turn.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Diplomatic Memo

Both dogs stink,ours less so.

Let’s go along w/ draft,if they let us
add Wilsonian hogwash.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Puppy Showers

being held here.
Logistics? Don’t

know,but would
rather imagine.

Whatever. Amusing
and touching.

say? I’ll take it
next to killing
for peace.

Monday, August 21, 2006

My Dollar Digital

features 2 working buttons
& 2 “aesthetic” dummies.
I call it Congress.

Sunday, August 20, 2006




Saturday, August 19, 2006

The Salesmen

-Great way to make money! Closing franchises would you believe?

-So,let’s switch to Japanese dealer.

-Nah! No more cars. Dead end. New product,that’s
the ticket.

-Well you can sell shit. You’ve proven that. You’re famous!


-No false modesty.

-Be false all right!

-So,what’s the plan?

-For you,I don’t know. For me,divinity school.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Bureau of Death

-We don’t differentiate anymore. Patriots on foreign fields
or insurgents here. Efficient disposal rules out niceties.


-You mean good ones with patriotic sons and daughters
who fell in honor?

-Yeah. I guess.

-We’ve stopped notifying them. Job too tremendous to do that.

-So,pretty much,all thrown in the same hole. Here and everywhere.

-‘Twere unpoetic so to put it.

-How about the echo of that ringing shall not have die in vain...?

-Who ever believed that anyway? My job is numbers!

-Well what are they?

-Which period?

-Last month.

-Million-six. Give or take.

-Depopulating the nation!

-Lift a glass to Tommy Malthus.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


I took the recommended posture,having gotten
used to it.

Search Leader: "We'll ask the same question
in the hope of a different answer."

I told him the previous tenant knew him,but
didn't know his name. He only referred to him
as The Colleague.

Search Leader: "Despite both of you,we'll get him."

The apartment,the usual collection of approved cubes with patriotic posters,shook from a gunshot.

The Leader and his sergeant ran out. I kept my pose
in case it was a trick.

It proved to have been Grandpa,who jerked and was shot by a rookie.

Is he dead? I asked when they laughingly informed me.

"Nah. Just an extra hole. We'll take him along and patch him up. War Against Terrorism isn't heartless.”

“Not today,” came the Sergeant’s response.

“Give him a receipt."

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


-Fishing sucks! Haul half the day for a net with a few flashes of silver.
Not even enough for bread.

-But other days your muscles scream against the tremendous number
of fish in there.

-Not often enough.

-Well,dreaming never produced a catch.

-Someday,someone will wander by and say “Follow me and be fishers of men!”

-You’ve finally lost it! No one’d ever say such a thing.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Israeli Memo

See Cheney 1st. Total f’n maniac.

Pres goes along. (for relig reasons?)

Condi harmless except near shoes.

Pres party runs legislature for billionaires & rubber-stamps
Exec Dept.(tail,like Stalin’s Duma)

Oppos party full of sound and fury. Impotent. Signif # bought anyway.

So,wide open! Limits come from us.

Monday, August 14, 2006

The Americans

Excuse me,Officer. What’s going on?


Ask him where we can get a fuckin drink.

I wonder,Officer...?

The vulgarity suffices. Follow me!


He’s like Lance Armstrong on that thing!
I can’t breathe.

It says Teahouse.

A code. Everything’s a code.

What if it isn’t?

Then we’ll be good sports about it! Besides,rather drink any shit
than undergo HISTORY.

We’re screwed!

I’m betting the proprietor can be coaxed to add a potion to our Earl Grey.

Never quit,do you?

Like History.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Fat Dead

are just

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Today & Sam Johnson


If we could bring him back he'd find the sentiment
too kind.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Terror,the Echo Chamber

-Possible drama,I’ll give you that.

-That’s not all you’ll give.

-Threats suck. And bore.

-Not in our circle.

-Anyway,you’re making it an opera!

-Sing or get out!

-Who said that? Barnum or Hitler?

-Sieg or get out! I made a funny.


-You never see the humor. We laugh all day
around here. But who wouldn’t,considering
the opposition?

-Don’t be surprised you’re flipped out of office.

-Just as happy in the Resistance. Joy of

-Are you the worst officials we’ve
ever had?

-Try worst people.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


Women are hot

in TV dramas, driven
to kiss deeply
as a prelude to as-

tonishing fire
during **The**Big***LAY***

Usually, others laze
about the screen, secretaries

or such small-like. How they
kiss or f*** remains
mysterious. For

in the crass Home of the Brave-
ly Free it’s CLASS************Stupid!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Lieberman,an Old Program

A) The War Most of Us Despise
as an Imperialstic farce de-
molishing lives & treasure &

backed by shifty rationali-
zations,has lopped off
a senator’s coiffed head.

B) “What does it mean?” say
politicians. Goto A.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Puppy Showers

being held here.
Logistics? Don’t

know,but would
rather imagine.

Whatever. Amusing
and touching.

Silly you
say? I’ll take it
next to killing
for peace.

Monday, August 07, 2006


-Made me look fat.

-Hey we all look fat except for Bobby O.

-And our life expectancy beats his.

-Even so,you wouldn't eat the newspaper.

-I don't. I don't like to see my name. It's fiction.

-Well your bust of butter was real. Hope the FBI got a picture.

-Hey! I'm in a good mood. I'd be doing the same stuff in
their place.

-It's your unbirthday.

-My what?

-In Alice in Wonderland. You get one birthday and the rest uns. My kids told me.

-Well my birthday was great. Thank everybody. Let them know.
Some of the guys think it's only criticism.

-Chef is Mario's brother. He's a good one. Like Italian farmhouse
cooking. No fancy-pantsy.

-Pretty good sculpture guy too.

-Thought you didn't like it.

-Didn't say that.

-I know you thirty years and I still can't read you.

-Let's leave it that way.

-We got one or two projects,now that the birthday is over.

-Patience. It's a breathe easy time. Day off. Except tell
Bobby O put five C's in Mario’s brother's pocket.

-He's at the Waldorf. A pastry guy.

-Canolis to die for!

-Weren't they?

-And tell Bobby O not to get lost on his way to the kitchen.

-Those...chef's outfits don't have pockets do they?

-He's not the brightest knife in the drawer,so give him
safety pin. Like for a diaper.

-They’re all paper now.

-That's not right.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Evolving Question

Before she acts,modern
woman might ask how
does this square

with my Feminism?
In past behaviorial
eras,question,if artic-

ulated,might be how
does this square with
my covert feminism?

Ideas percolate up
through granites.

At any time one
can reach you. Will

you redden,lash
out,or welcome?

NIMBYs form in

among those
moving in.

Saturday, August 05, 2006


I took the recommended posture,having gotten used to it.

Search Leader: "We'll ask the same question in the hope of a different answer."

I told him the previous tenant knew him,but didn't know his name. He only referred to him as The Colleague.

Search Leader: "Despite both of you,we'll get him."

The apartment,the usual collection of approved cubes with patriotic posters,shook from a gunshot.

The Leader and his sergeant ran out. I kept my pose in case it was a trick.

It proved to have been Grandpa,who jerked and was shot by a rookie.

Is he dead? I asked when they laughingly informed me.

"Nah. Just an extra hole. We'll take him along and patch him up. War Against
Terrorism isn't heartless.”

“Not today,” came the Sergeant’s response.

“Give him a receipt."


I took the recommended posture,having gotten used to it.

Search Leader: "We'll ask the same question in the hope of a different answer."

I told him the previous tenant knew him, but didn't know his name. He only referred to him as The Colleague.

Search Leader: "Despite both of you,we'll get him."

The apartmentment,the usual collection of approved cubes with patriotic posters,shook from a gunshot.

The Leader and his sergeant ran out. I kept my posture in case it was a trick.

It proved to have been Grandpa,who jerked and was shot by a rookie.

Is he dead? I asked when they laughingly informed me.

"Nah. Just an extra hole. We'll take him along and patch him up. War Against Terrorism isn't heartless.”

“Not today,” came the Sergeant’s response.

“Give him a receipt."

Friday, August 04, 2006

There IS a Solidarity

among Israelis,Americans,Arabs,
Brits and seemingly all others:

the willingness to murder children
in the commission of artful battle.

Here,where hell is constant-
ly redesigned by scientists
of mayhem,millions go to services,

presumably to pray–-
to witness them after--
for more of the same.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Reporter

-Senator's on tape.

-But not what he meant! Please hear me out.

-Uh uh. Clarifying your clarification shoves us to the perilous border of total bullshit. Anyway,I don't decide what gets printed. But I'll slide your disclaimer into my followup because it belongs there. More or less.

-I owe you a sandwich.

-You owe me nothing. My Daddy,small-town sheriff said
“Don't even take a plastic ten-cent pocket calendar!”

-I get the point. You're incorruptible.

-Afraid so.

-You'll get nowhere on this big stage.

-So they say,and I do in part believe them.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

They've Got Rhythm


Vote Republican!
We’ll scratch up

more to give
to Plutocrats.

the rest,Baby!

Lay down,it’s
your equal opportunity!


Oh for the balls
to freely dance.

They’ve seized
the floor ‘n it’s all
elbows and assholes!

In such chaos one
can’t even think!

So we’re preparing
a paper. Evidence

for the intellectual

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


-Well your policies are killing me at home!

-You just have to get your constituents to stop dwelling on negatives.

-This newest layer of war just paralyzes the brain! They’re war-weary back there.

-We’re bringing Democracy to the Middle East. Now the Jews are pitching in.

-You can try selling that,but I got a lot of farmers who work with the real thing.
They know bullshit.

-We must sell it,as must you. Or we’re finished.

-I’m finished now.

-Hey! That great bridge is almost built. Carry your name forever!

-A Democrat will preside over the ribbon cutting.

-You worry too much. We’re breaking obligatory eggs now,but the omelette will be beautiful,
and even delicious,come election day!

-Only thing cracked round here is heads.

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