Friday, September 30, 2011
Republican Talking Points
Stupid strew
lectures and TV,
heedless of con-
text or query.
Clever bend to
al barbarities.
Labels: Republican Talking Points
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Bat Masterson Expects Tourists
My three teams won huge
games last night. Trifecta!
Payoff emotional yet--no
gambling. Best left to pros.
My rare attempts show not
heedful scheme, but ham-
my plunge. Thus do poker
players know me.
They wait icily
for ill cues.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Exiting Shibaraku, he
pronounces: “Eastern.”
The Master Builder, she:
“Western.” So that seals it.
Labels: Drama, intellectual
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Topographic Boundaries
The actress cursed on
her prosaic errands for
not marrying a fellow
in a fiction. Many fold il-
lusion into drudging life.
Well, all do at one
or another time. It
doesn't define insanity.
It defines nothing.
Labels: fiction, illusion, reality, TV
Monday, September 26, 2011
-This toxic atmosphere where all fear losing their jobs?
Well I’m speaking up about it!
-You’ll get fired.
-Then you’ll get my job in addition to yours. Crushing burden.
-Yeah, but insurance policy.
-I will eventually prove in court that it’s a concerted policy
of management to promote unreasoned fear. Thus, too,
enabling the place to crawl with Quizlings.
-All in collusion with Congress?
-Just the Republicans.
-Ah yes , the official party of this corporation as we’re
reminded in the most subtle way by the pre-election letter
adjuring us merely to vote. Then glossing the important
issues with a subtext going the unspeakably evil way
of the nutcase right.
-I’m taking this to Supreme Court, if necessary!
-Where the insane righties will desire language from the
majority to equal that of the thundering left, but the
reactionaries just lapse into tut tut mode. “For all the
plaintiff's remonstrations, the matter remains to be
resolved by internal governance of the corporation only.
And by its goodwill so long fostered among the employees.
Next case?”
-Well, I’m starting, despite your defeated cynicism!
-You’ll stop. They always do. exception this time.
Email to a vice president follows: “We shd talk.
Flow probs.” Flow being a code word.
Labels: Cruel and Unusual Punishment Supreme Court, unemployment, workplace atmosphere
Sunday, September 25, 2011
-Think about it.
-No! Life is too short to mince another of your halfass theories!
-Oh? How much left?
-You and I, about twenty years give or take.
The guy peering up from his American Beauty Roses
as fiery ball approaches...?
-Milisecond or so.
-God bless!
-Will his life flash before his eyes?
-Old wives’ tale, but he’ll get to glimpse the
time-space warp in closeup.
-It’s all warps. Think about it!
Labels: death, time-space warp
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Miss_______’s Academy
-I can’t have a female teacher around every time he
speaks with a student.
-Hovering not a pretty picture.
-No indeed. And the wrong message to independent girls
being taught to handle things.
-Just a harmless old flirt, really! The quick
breast-bloomers in his class tizzied him up!
-Well, I must act.
-The last investigation here brought medieval consequences!
-Nothing that extreme.
-Hope not. Just an affectionate uncle, really.
-Now. I’ll speak to him.
-He’ll be hurt.
-And in a particular way. Male.
Labels: Education of Women
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Health Is Wealth
Oh yeah? How about
megas more? JD
Rockefeller alleged to say
he’d give mil for young
strapper’s easy stomach.
W/Inflation be 50, 60?
At any rate, trump
deal bilious slick-
ster ever swung!
Labels: Health, Rockefeller, wealth
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
With a Certain Senator
-Unemployment is brutal!
-A problem for the states. Not one size fits all.
-And we know in which you’ll go naked and starve!
-You overstate. Your kind always does.
The churches will step in.
-Perhaps you’re correct. We must amend The Constitution to establish our religion. It would take charge in the areas of social nuisance.
-Then must one profess Christ to cadge a piece of bread?
-It’s what Christians do.
Labels: establishment clause, unemployment
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
-And all their homes destroyed by the marauding poor?
-Who, when they took over, tired of rule quickly.
Counterrevolution following, and then a purer revolution
countering the etc. And then, etc etc. With, somewhere
in there, nuclear weapons entering the mix.
-And that monstrous, rambling shell?
-Congress, where dwelt the wealthy’s spear carriers.
Labels: class war, revolution
Monday, September 19, 2011
Girls Kissing Each Other
Unreal on reality show
though seemingly deep.
Raging Evangelicals format
Their Bible to reverse such
awful sex, and weapon-
ize The Constitution thus
staunching resonant license.
Labels: Bible, Constitutionm, Evangelicals, lesbian, sex
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Scientific Question
When Jill and Jason
dream each other in
their separate rooms,
does sexual quanta boom
a milli-millisecond
midst the fractured race?
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Find the Nation
of biting proverbs,
and marry
into another.
Abundant life
critical passes.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Anxiety floats,
Worry targets. Both
waste, though
defining in part.
Reaper notes
but dallies
until "Just
enough of all
of that!"
Labels: anxiety, Grim Reaper, worry
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Law and Custom
A pink-steaming mess
emerges from the shower
to chase a chambermaid.
She kvetches,
sending him
to stir, but Pros-
ecutor reasons how her
tale too shifting.
Back home, others await
with female complaints
along the same line.
Cops sigh
He said She said
as Ladies thirst for justice
less of it
to pickle tradition-
al style.
Labels: He said She said, Justice, Law, sex
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
All the Rage
At one of their protests or prayer meetings,
we'll hustle him away. Then the De-programming!
So expensive!
Don’t you want your son back?
What does he say when he calls?
He doesn’t. He stopped!
And won’t even text us back about anything!
One of us could die! And he...!
A latter stage. They go from mild contempt to...hatred.
Is this the worst cult?
Among them, though many feel the worst. Well, we start!
Further questions, browse Q & A on the website.
Exits, with check
Oh my God what did we ever do...?
to make our son a Republican?
Labels: cult, Republican
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Forms of Violence
Football game or
political debate?
Choose former but
switch during lank
periods or unending
commercials. Players
on the field move with
smashing precision,
mouthing off after some
tawdry athletic trick
or other. Those fixed
mouth off continuously
as to feebleness of
opponent present,
and president not,
while casting raw
moral strength.
We like all this,
the violence.
Why the multiplex runs
the detonating thriller
on many screens,
the achingly sensitive
coming of age in rural
wherever, hardly one.
Monday, September 12, 2011
The Free Market
looks to approach
divine art. So
crooks baked in
render the pie
necessarily tart?
One can’t live on
Labels: Free Market
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Dream Accomplished
"Next slide, please," asked
God. And all the business
types were ravished.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
The Dawn of Knowledge
An overwhelming stench
permeated my tent
as the beast eased by
to enter the faculty digs.
Last night our professors
argued that a) Victim
was eaten alive, versus
b) Victim was killed first.
Labels: acadenic
Friday, September 09, 2011
The Prosecutor, A & Q
-I could make a Rico case against Republicans.
With the Democrats, too much aimlessness
of purpose, incoherence, and incompetence.
-A shame! Didn't they practically invent
the process with Tammany Hall?
-Well they've been vastly vastly outperformed.
Labels: Democrat, Republican, Rico
Thursday, September 08, 2011
The same flat, stale, and unprofitable
(but to the golden vile) ideas. Repeat-
ing them here would weary a saint.
At any rate, Each wrought
“debater” anxiously burns
to shoot forth a brand,
however zany, but
their numbers militate against such.
Any question serves like shaking
a bottle of soda. Distant talking points
foam over. These, too, at bottom, never
worked and never will. But the essence
of politics is pretending
they will and always have.
The experts later parsing
can’t bring themselves to say it's
all of it a base and joyless farce,
turning mountebank
in lending it credence.
Labels: GOP Debate
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
Arrangement in Green
Be prepared to accept even more.
I'm continuously grateful.
That process is made up of continuously putting
you money where your mouth is.
My mouth IS money.
Who says you can’t invent a perpetual motion machine?
Not I, said the little snug hen! But what of the problem
of governing the rest?
A scrim.
Behind which...?
We take the cannoli.
Labels: GOP, Party of Rich
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
Some don't gray, but age orange, rather. My opponent.
And not a Chevvie but a little one-seater tricked up in a machine shop. Like a clown's car. Orange, as he.
Features a tinny two-note horn which he blows continuously.
Researchers dig into his past, though I swear I’d never campaign on anything like that.
Anyway, they find nothing. He lives with Mother
and shuns women. And men.
I stress the issues, compromising with my advisers in that I
fashion them as simply as possible.
He drives his mini car in commercials, breaking up meetings
of villainous politicians who flee. Most slovenly absconder resembles yours truly.
They give that little horn to kids and you can’t shop
anywhere without hearing it.
On election night everyone announces too close to call. I wait for a dead moment to ask Ringo Skelly, my oldest pro, even then running numbers. “We're cooked," he announces.
"Oh well," I sigh, "you never know what makes
a good governor."
"I always do. And that sub-moron doesn't qualify. Sock puppet for the greasiest crooks over there."
I lose by a point, and some months after, with the chairman pounding for order, in putts he down the central aisle of
their national convention, cross-lit by spotlights.
Reporters envelop him and the tiny car, both florescent
orange in the brilliance.
Moira Dill of Fox proclaims "O I just LOVE you!"
Labels: political advertising
Monday, September 05, 2011
“My sympathies, Mr Mayor! Whole Three Corners area hardly there anymore. Never saw such destruction! All the TVs here are showing it as we speak. Now, unfortunately, emergency fund tapped out. Other communities had lobbyists here before the storm hit. My brother-in-law in that business.
No better or worse, but gets my ear more often.”
Labels: Politics and Disaster
Sunday, September 04, 2011
Boy Scout “Oath” On a Modern Note
On my honor I’ll do my best
to smoke cigars and cigarettes,
to curse and swear and all the rest,
and go downtown to see May West.
Kicker is May West. So
much sexier than board
broads in media presently!
Add wit also, as opposed
to laconic nose-picking.
Labels: Boy Scout Oath, May West, media
Saturday, September 03, 2011
The Breakfast Cook
catapults from low
apartments at 4AM.
They tick away darkly even
as the Harley's roar subsides.
What does he think, bent o-
ver the headlight? That he
despises the manager,
a self-proclaimed wit?
One day he arrives,
not, save at a thick
tree, and the hated being
shapes his ingenuity to flip
the popping eggs and steaming
pancakes on the grill. Next day
the agency sends an equal.
Friday, September 02, 2011
-Does your father still recognize you?
-Sometimes the kid me, the nickname.
-That’s you too, right?
-Not after business dipped me into so many vats of shit!
Labels: Alzheimers
Thursday, September 01, 2011
-How much is genuine?
-Just a vicious ten percent. Rest is method acting.
-Will they achieve their Shining City on the Hill?
-It's there, but lights dimmed as they bus out José and Abe.
-Not to mention Ebonies, swishes, and Democrats.
Do you suppose there's overlap?
-Miscegenation! Anyway, Purity is in sight!
-Pencil and paper! They got Crays.
Labels: Cray, Florida, reactionary, Right Wing Radio, shining city