Friday, April 30, 2010
(some divine Wall St parallel)
I don’t have time for this bullshit. They say A and we counter with B? Prissy crap! Just fuckin lie! Lie! And pound it pound it pound it!
Did I say pound it?
Of course I’ll answer a question. Or QUERy, considering the source.
Truth got no edge. Period. End of story. So, fuck it till it dies!
Then start on the corpse.
Labels: campaign, Wall Street
Thursday, April 29, 2010
In Selling Smoke
on Wall Street it
is understood.
Divert a shaft
of light to lend
dimension, so
calf can stagger
back to teachers’
pension fund or such
& blurt “I purchased it cuz
what I saw looked good!”
Labels: Wall Street Diversion, Wall Street, Wall Street Thieves
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Question for Senate Committee Investigating Financial Shenanigans Gone Even More Awry
Than Usual
Are the smartest
guys in the room
acting or actual-
ly dense?
Labels: banks, Financial Shenanigans
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Republicans require cheap labor,
their supine rednecks having
gotten legs under them.
Democrats want new voters.
So it's Social Darwinists vs
Tammany Hall. I'll take latter as
more fitting the warmer tradition
of thumping American Corruption.
Labels: Illegals, immigration
Monday, April 26, 2010
Not being one
and thus immense-
ly distrustful I know
they’re dangling
fools in front of us.
They owe them as useful
tools I must suppose. When
The A-Team final-
ly ushered in, fear
& trembling all round.
Media drumming
on us to shape up
Labels: candidate
Sunday, April 25, 2010
When Russians come to Brooklyn, they’re
babushkas and their stolid beaus, mostly.
Rest, criminals, highly educated, thus
swifter than Italians formerly entrenched.
Fortunately for FBI, some
Doctorates in Vocal Music.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Rich Dad Buys Him
out of all trouble, but
stark plan flunks at
murder. Best outcome
is Father barking then
"I have no son!" Nice
solidarity learned
eventually among
the other Lifers.
Friday, April 23, 2010
At Democratic HQ
-I like that Dutch door, top and bottom opening separately.
-Yeah we open the bottom to let the thieves in.
-How does that differ from Republicans?
-They open the whole door.
Labels: Democrat, political larceny, Republican
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Einstein downplayed
his role in the The Bomb.
More and more as he aged.
We replay dramas, casting
ourselves differently. Light-
ing better sides mostly.
Though it’s also possible
to flip from hero to villain.
But not for long.
At any rate, we hobnob
with motley selves daily. So
hail dear, dazzling Albert,
same as us. Whether wrong
or wronged, God rest him
all road ever he offended!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Protesting America
My closest big intersection
at A1A and 520 a regular Hyde
Park. Bluster under blister-
ing sun, usually by those Rawer Loony
Tunes knowing President a Kenyan. This
being Florida, fuller-fledged All-Whites
amidst them bristle with I got mine so
the rest of you can go fuck yourself.
But today a tonic! Medical Marijuana!
Not acquainted with Mary Jane, though
do have glaucoma. If it gets fierce,
might just like meeting her.
Labels: Florida, Medical Marijuana, tea party
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
“Carleton Terrace in Cocoa
prohibited stables, hog pens,
outhouses, and people of color.”*
Elsewhere on
the peninsula
a resort trumped
In this piece of Florida,
lift free
of us.
*Florida Today
Labels: Florida, Jew, people of color
Monday, April 19, 2010
Nothing Should Be Free
Indeed charge double at
The Great Foreclosure Party.
These people still haven’t
learned their lesson.
Wealthy often say "I can’t afford that."
Attention must be paid to them!
Labels: Foreclosure
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Female singing voice instrument of wonder
as it carries the joyful clarity of birds through
silken gauzes to the smoky resonance
of seduction. But when it sets
on edge by going off a ledge shrieking,
it leaves the lovely category of woman
for that of whorish shrew.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
The Ban
Karaoke joints and the like
have banned I Did It My Way.
Too many fights. I can see
2 reasons why. 1st, Milquetoast
who did it The Man's Way, period,
& takes umbrage at less than coy
abuse. 2d, the obnoxious
prick who trampled everyone
& rants to this gushy melody.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Lived in cube,
drove another
to another
for work.
During church
or the ballgame,
faked participation.
When he got home,
exhaled and farted.
TV fun but partly full of
those who kicked. So
one pressed to ridicule then
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Space Coast
Prez coming here to reassure on jobs
being lost due to shuttle phase out.
Many of the reactionary engineers
give not Shit-1 about anybody
else's loss and grief. But,
you know what? I say
preserve their jobs too,
because that's the end I come from.
As did Hubert Humphrey, lampooned
for such by the minuscule group
of Republican wits. Shame we
didn’t have more of him shoving
out the showy corporate whores.
Labels: corporate whores, Obama, Republican, Space
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Frank Yamasaki said
“Don’t Worry, Mom.
This is America!” Later,
allowed 2 suitcases,
interned in Idaho.
Well it wasn’t
& isn’t. Furiously operatic Right
covers The Constitution so
keep 2 packed & savor
the rendition, since
even Idaho impure, defiled
by diffusing Liberal stinks.
Labels: Idaho, Japanese internment, Right Wing
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
So how's it goin’, Bart?
Same-o same-o. Just bought a shitbox car to get me to my
shitbox job--which I'm suppose to be grateful for.
You mean you're FREE to be grateful for. Such freedom, according to the Right, being a gift from God.
Yeah, Free to be fucked by The Man. Like, continuously.
Hey, you filled out the Four Freedoms with that last one! Where's Norman Rockwell when you need him?
Outsourced, so the boss's whore can eat butter creams.
Rocco reports on his short meetings in South Philadelphia.
Labels: Norman Rockwell, outsourcing, Rocco, South Philadelphia
Monday, April 12, 2010
Rogues’ Thumbnail Gallery
of prez hopefuls at Southern
GOP Conference touts 3rd
Bananas. Performance artists
& therefore useful tools.
1 & 2 must be out there,
waiting for the lunatics
to cool.
Labels: extremests, GOP
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Dash into convenience
store brought ticket
in Atlantic City.
Drove to station and paid.
Hey, you’re a sucker! scoffed
friends back in Philly. Like,
they’re gonna extradite you?
Well, the way of the transgressor is hard-
ly sans irritation, what with mailbox re-
minders and legal warnings following.
So, give the man the two dollars
a la the old vaudeville routine.
Labels: parking ticket
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Sleeve of Mini Snickers
to slake Chocolate Fix
for a week lasts 3 days.
By such little accountancies
shall ye know me! Oh well,
work on the pampering. To-
morrow brings another new,
small scheme. I’m doing
the best I can. Never true,
but trying bravely stamps it.
Labels: chocolate fix, Snickers
Friday, April 09, 2010
Exotic Loan Products
are much discoursed in
this horrendous aftermath.
Exotic. What soft connotations
compared to Greasy Thievery.
Keeping the same gauzy scrims
bewitching regulators and
the rawly perpetual sucker
making so so
much possible,
good ole John Q.
As a specimen, how
I tire of taking bows
for the amusement
of betters!
Labels: bankers, exotic loan products
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Now THAT'S Affirmative Action
In hearings investigating
the appalling financial disaster,
we usually get paunchy execs called
onto the broadloom, or their wolf-
ish accountant-henchmen. But today
we have women! And they fucked
the doomed American Public just
as efficaciously by shoving up
these meretricious fantasies.
Labels: banks, brokerage, credit default swaps, depression, finance, women
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
After Exiting Whorehouse, Operatives Pen
Thank-You Note to Christian Contributors
Go right on
and think
us slime
but we got fucked
on your dime.
Labels: Christian, contributors.GOP
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
The Movement--A Saga of Feeling
With simpletons allied, he
dumbs it down. In re-
sponse, they amp it up,
such righteous noise prompt-
ing young reporters to indulge
their gift of daft sarcasm. In all
the tinny racket he confides
to the most fiery spokesman that
he’s Hamlet to his Fortinbras.
Who transmutes the latter
to Farts n’ Brass,
adopting it as his nickname.
Later poised as our
sensitive intellectual's
sole contribution.
Labels: dumb down, Fortinbras, Hamlet, movement
Monday, April 05, 2010
Grand Auld Party
At Obama rallies lately, lots
of youngsters percolating be-
hind him. They can't, naturally,
sit still. GOP might exhibit a few,
better behaved, alongside scores
of dun-white oldsters whose faces
lock ‘neath Legion caps,
set for death masks.
Labels: GOP image
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Saturday, April 03, 2010
During Early TV
linguistic theory
evolved stating
regional speech
would die out,
supplanted by
all talking like
the national news.
Didn’t happen. One can
still hear the Southern
Strategy of wil-
ful ignorance
for one. Other truly lout-
ish accents unlike mine.
Labels: accent, linguistics, regional, Southern Strategy
Friday, April 02, 2010
Texas Fascists
hammer history
texts rightwards.
Some osmotic effect
will surely bedevil
highschoolers, but
the more optimistic
outcome is no matter
if the books are slanted
by Communist, Fascists,
or Nudists, youngsters re-
main secure in their own knowledge
that adults are full of shit anyway.
Labels: Censorship, Right Wing, Texas textbooks
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Drill, Babies, Drill!
Off of everywhere.
1st the black balls
on the beaches.
Don’t be silly, say Chambers of
Commerce. It’s nothing! & then
the Perfect Storm coating
everything with oil.
The Caribbean Hurricane
making its monster way over
our Eastern Mainland in-
to the Atlantic & back with
lesser fury. But enough.
Although, with newer safeguards,
it just can’t happen. Sound!
Uh huh. Prince William Sound.
Florida Tourism, for one,
shot for two years at the least.
Though publicists will toil mightily
lying us back. Perhaps with the line
that the beaches resemble
the volcanic ones of Hawaii.
What do the birds and fish resemble?
Nature’s Brand New Minstrel Show?
Labels: offshore drilling