Sunday, July 31, 2011
Do not take pill
2 hours before
or 4 hours after...
or is it the opposite?
The bottle reads like
a tweet from The Warn-
ing Sector. Report
suspicious behavior! Prior
to our summer storms
brows and lips purple flor-
escently and all of us look so--
though the old too fuddled
to plant bombs. I'm against
what we do, especially torture.
I blog, a fart in a windstorm. But
temporary relief works well enough.
Labels: caution, security, torture, warning
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Present Tense
The charity trolls us with return address labels, but
of another couple.
We become them, very briefly. Buy a silly card
and send to a fictitious address.
Will be returned to them.
Are you worrying yet? We’re disguised and pay cash–-
a new bill--wearing the thinnest of gloves, which we
keep on while addressing etc.
Moisten flap with a damp sponge. So, all in all, no DNA,
stamp being self-stick too. Mail in an empty shopping
strip without cameras. Go home to shred the other labels,
flush them down toilet.
I bring the pen to work, wrapped in tissue. Shake it out onto
a desk in another’s cubicle after he leaves for the day.
A little fun! Yes! But shakily complex due to the age.
Labels: paranoid
Friday, July 29, 2011
When moderates race
they run in place.
Lefties, all over
the trying layout. For
Righties a frenzy
in straight direction
by richest applause.
Labels: horserace, Left, moderate, rich, Right
Thursday, July 28, 2011
The Deadline Lurks
in rankest shrubbery.
How practitioners hew
to party lines while mouth-
ing abstractions anew
of the rights of men!--
even of women. Rash
consequences are trumpeted
by talking heads who nonetheless
grow fatigued watching red meat
gray. Nothing sways the politicians.
The public hopes for conscience;
they for cash.
Labels: deadline, debt limit, party line
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Come Back Little Deceiver
Parliament a bit raw, hey what? Here,
some insult on the internet. Diving
in various dumpsters too. But
can be wrought by messy law this
Supreme Court can't set clear-
ly Right.
Labels: testimony before Parliament
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Lonely keep TVs on as
they go about the house.
Murmuring from
other rooms
a comfort.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Understanding Your Righty Neighbor--Q&A
-Is the gun-nuttery an end in itself, or the necessary
background for massacres?
-Both. Throw in God so we can get on to something else.
Labels: gun nut, massacre, Right Wing
Sunday, July 24, 2011
After Monday swam
with rumors, I asked
G to meet me at Starbucks.
He had seen the new VP's
spreadsheet axing two. We
kicked around strategies
but concluded no use.
"He'll pick D to fire us.
She's the most uncouth."
Labels: firing
Saturday, July 23, 2011
-That was a hoot, my panties flapping from one ankle.
-Yeah. A hurry.
-Let's face it. We're filth.
-You kidding?
Labels: lust
Friday, July 22, 2011
Conversation and Aftermath
-We have ten dollars left. All we have.
-Well we have vodka and lemons. We’ll have a party!
I’ll call Suzanne. She can make classy appetizers
from Ritz Crackers.
And though they had lost jobs, there was laughter and gaiety.
Until 2 AM.
Then, all.
As if an icy wind...
Labels: jobless
Thursday, July 21, 2011
announces their return
from space. Last due
to republicans &
democrats. Dwarf
visions echo flatly when
bottom-liners party. It’s
Festival of Ardent Glicks
we're arriving at, back
pockets sliced directly.
Labels: bottom line, shuttle, Space, vision
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Mega Rich
Mega Entitled. But, in what seems
departure, testifying before a board.
Though widely prepared by Argus-
like advocates, one still must react
to wild cards infiltrating
those bought or
partially thus. (What hath
God wrought, really?) But
even mildest questions touch
chicanery. If it’s empaneled in
America, the affluent victim can
implore audiences to Remember
the Maine, Plymouth Rock and
the Golden Rule. If UK, to this
last add Magna Carta.
Patriotism has been known before
to keep sore patriots from prison.
So, as the untainted few craft queries
painting one a miscreant, blind fool,
or incompetent, Mea Culpas delivered
with understandable force. It's all, of course,
a common farce. The old courthouse maxim
applies: You get the justice you can afford.
Labels: entitled, investigation Panel, patriotism, wealthy
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
The Meeting Went On
without him. Several
excellent opinions
were offered then
forgotten. An old resonator
emitted nonsense. Since
the firm was being sued
for discrimination against o-
bese females, fat jokes ensued.
Finally a hysterical woman piped
“Our leader lies dead on
a Bangkok street!” She often
said it at coffee, but
this time proved right.
We broke for lunch.
Would resume for discussing
funeral arrangements.
Rancorous cliques existed
on that subject.
Labels: business meeting, committee
Monday, July 18, 2011
A Certain Party at Golf
-You’re in the bunker, the deepest one, and the only way out
is to hit backwards.
-That’s always the best way.
Labels: golf, politics, reactionary
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Problem becomes math
untethered, a poetry
infatuates can't release
from purity.
Labels: math, physics, purity, science
Saturday, July 16, 2011
curbed with meds,
I nonetheless
think much, worry.
Determine to cheer
a team, and trap
the natural
with a camera.
Friday, July 15, 2011
They want me to ask
Congress to probe
Rupert Murdoch. Must
think about that, motives.
Mine especially. Besides,
long tradition of sleazy-
y news. As liberal,
I'm for elbow room
in expression for re-
pulsive Fox too, &
even regal NYT with its
ongoing grad seminar knows
to keep the tits above the fold.
Labels: Fox News, liberal, Murdock, NYT, sleaze
Thursday, July 14, 2011
To Purest Conservatives,
abhorring government
and stealing from it
are moral imperatives.
The purest liberals, though,
block any grease at the wheel.
So we lumber in-
to being held up.
Labels: Conservative, liberal
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Much fuss over
$700 wine shared
with two other snif-
fing Ayn Randians. But
Grandma on her shove
under the bus remains
whimsically free to sip
2004 Echezeaux Grand Cru
if she so wishes.
Labels: Ayn Rand, medicare, Paul Ryan, Republican
Monday, July 11, 2011
Anyway, his pointing out she
pays more of her income
in taxes than he.
Democrats drive
this narrative. Republicans
go out of joint, despising
boring old movies inciting
Class Warfare!
Labels: class war, Democrat, Republican, Warren Buffet
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Modern Style
No showbiz personality
so repulsive, won't ac-
quire a following. Add
new social media &
disgust factor zooms.
Saturday, July 09, 2011
be flesh-branded today
& twittered endlessly.
Though a few refuse
to cast first stones,
others put on offer
flashy souls indeed.
Satan takes priority
over these.
Labels: Hester, hypocrisy, Scarlet Letter
Friday, July 08, 2011
Peasants on the Grass, Alas
Pitchforks waving against Republicans’
posher clients scratching up no income tax.
Mustn’t hurt these wily ones,
of course, so they trombone:
Reform the Whole Tax Code! What
about majestic widths of stance
cannot you fuckbrains understand?
Labels: income tax, Republican, tax evasion
Thursday, July 07, 2011
-You're finished with your tramps then?
-More like they finished me.
-Now you show up here!
-Not a one could find that spot on my neck you massage.
-Never mind that! There are spots and there are spots.
-Don't we know it!
-Stop this stuff! Not a prayer for you here. Not anymore!
-My crap is in the car.
-Well, leave it there.
-Been sleeping in it.
-Where's that old violin Grandpa played? God rest his soul.
Well, go back and play a solo for your whores.
-You talk like a hard woman, but I know better.
-The last time was the last time. I...
-Don’t cry. That hurts more than anything.
-Let me relieve the pain. And don’t let the door
hit you in the ass!
-Don't think I got much of a one left.
-I know. Nobody can cook out there either. Just fuck!
-Not that either. I just...went crazy.
-Uh huh. Well...
-My junk is in the car.
-That's where I came in.
-When I came in, was the prettiest girl...
-And look at me now!
-Can't stop.
Labels: country, country music, infidelity, marital, rural
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Story Conference
-Trial's over and she walks! Thus does the shouting and
the tumult die as media folds its sleazy tents.
-Not on my watch!
-Oh? Keep it going?
-Why lose ratings?
-But, suspense factor gone.
-Hey, our addicts don't live reality-based.
-I suppose you mean you get actors...?
-Already cast.
-The flattish Prosecutor?
-Totally evil rightwing sonabitch!
-Too much melodrama even for TV!
-But we surround him with decency for his team.
One pretty flutterer has a cop boyfriend really stacked.
He comes into the courtroom, the very air fucks.
-And straight arrows on Defense?
-Looking better: suit sponsor. We added one uncontrolled squirt. Dirty, unshaven look the ladies love, though they
might take a Brillo pad to him before they screw.
-It's all a filthy business!
-Yeah it is! Even better than life!
-How long?
-People die.
-What’s easier to replace than an actor?
-I get disgusted with us sometimes.
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
The factions, dismissing
murderous intent for now,
hammer down a deal, re-
sembling for a wry moment
superannuated clowns
at a benign convention. O
where are the sneers
of yesteryear?
Labels: compromise, dealmaking, faction, party
Monday, July 04, 2011
is a good. Many
have sacrificed, and
to them all praise!
Understood, too, loud-
mouth charlatans remain
vile, cheap threads in
a dear fabric. Speak-
ing against them
is patriotic.
Labels: patriotic, patriotism
Sunday, July 03, 2011
1-To the barricades in army jacket, many-pocketed, and
against no urban ruin of black, flattened Newark,
rather backyard garage, plastic barrels
2-Irish Buddha in tweeds n’ pipe.
(Sure n’ enough said on THAT paucity.)
3-Oh Summery porch! Oversized t-shirt
picturing endangered species, creeping
shorts. wrinkly-
winkly asexual nebish, ultra
politically correct.
4-Shiny lumberjack--has worked with hands,
clearing underbrush ‘round
hot tub, visible scratch on one. Soft-focus
5-Wall Street Clone (the times they were a
changin’) no bone to pick or
in his pants. Harmonious buildings,
6-Baseball jacket and cap, yet tie, a
blasted urban visionary loosened plus Joe Fan.
7-(Inject latest example here.)
*AM=asshole of the moment
Labels: author's pictures
Saturday, July 02, 2011
This one's due
to run out soon-
er than later.
Trick's to find
the forever model,
grace perpetual.
Some feel they have,
that it's their due, but I'm
thinking secular: thus and
so, no angels need apply.
Their wings be scrunched up
anyway, by all the infinite folds.
Labels: dimensions, physics, religion
Friday, July 01, 2011
Mapping the Humanities
Easier with the web but
in my scholar days, I'd
grab a pile of books
from library stacks. Then
the fun of blending
to assist my own design.
"But how could you write
on this matter without
quoting Swirtzky?"
How indeed! What I have to add
to knowledge is primarily me.
If I’m the hack, so be it. Fatigued
Germanic method stifles all,
though its deadening
thoroughness impresses
a few professors
as the game to go.
In truth, I a bit halfass,
they, wood. Turned
out well enough.
Labels: Humanities, scholarship